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G2edge: Building Tomorrow, Crafting Today – Going right up to the edge in Building, Construction, and Industrial Excellence.

Building Tomorrow, Crafting Today. Building, Construction, and Industrial Excellence.

ChatGPT is growing early adoption in the Workplace The percentage of professionals who say they’ve used ChatGPT or other AI tools for work-related tasks, according to a survey of nearly 4,500 people conducted by the networking app Fishbowl. For perspective, only 23% of U.S. households had internet access when Google was launched.
AI AT Work
Every day, professionals turn to Fishbowl to discuss career topics anonymously and connect with each other to have conversations about work-life. As ChatGPT took the internet by storm, we saw a spike in conversations about generative AI on the Fishbowl platform. 
In order to understand adoption of AI tools in the workplace, we conducted a survey to ask professionals across all industries if they’ve used ChatGPT, or other AI tools, to help with tasks at work. 
The survey ran from January 4-8 of this year and we heard from nearly 4,500 professionals from companies like Amazon, Bank of America,  Edelman, Google, IBM, JP Morgan, McKinsey, Meta, Nike, Twitter, and thousands of others. 
The Results
Overall, Strong Early Adoption By Professionals: While this kind of generative AI is still in its early days, nearly 30 percent (27%) of professionals have already used it to assist with work related tasks. Here’s how the data breaks down: 
By Generation: Gen Z professionals have the highest rate of adoption, with 29% having used it at work. Following Gen Z is Gen X with 28%. Millennials close it out with 27%. 
By Gender:  20% of women and 30% of men have used AI to help with tasks at work. 
By Industry: Marketing and Advertising have the highest adoption with 37% saying they’ve used AI to assist with work related tasks. Tech follows with 35% and Consulting with 30%. Healthcare has the lowest usage with 15%. Accounting and Teaching come in at 16% and 19%, respectively. 
Looking Ahead: How Are Professionals In Industries With Early Adoption Using ChatGPT And Other AI Tools At Work? 
The survey results indicate a discrepancy in the usage of AI at work by industry, with Marketing & Advertising and Tech sectors showing a higher rate of adoption.